Saturday, September 3, 2011

What driving taught me…

During my engineering college days, I was one of the very few who didn’t know to drive. I chose not to overcome my aversion towards driving as I never used to feel the need to. However, having learnt to drive now, I have started appreciating the convenience associated with it. In addition to the convenience, I also appreciate the lessons in life that something as simple as driving can teach me
·         Know your goals: Before starting a trip, you need to know where you wish to reach. Similarly, in life, it is important to have a goal and work towards it
·         Define your strategies: Once the destination is decided, a driver needs to decide which route he wishes to take, which roads are safer or less crowded etc. Similarly, in life, it is important to decide how we wish to attain the goal, and analyze the pros and cons of all the options available
·         Check for resource availability: Before embarking on the journey, the driver has to check if his car has enough fuel, whether the batteries are functional etc. similarly, before starting off with an important endeavour in life, it is important to draw out the budget required for that, the feasibility of the plan and whether the endeavour is worth the time spent on it.
·         Accept your ignorance and mistakes: During the journey, if he doesn’t know the route, the driver doesn’t hesitate to ask for directions. Similarly, if on the wrong path, he instantaneously turns and finds his way to the right route. Similarly in life, it is important to be ready to accept ignorance if you are unaware, and ready to take responsibility for any mistakes and make amends
·         Define your own terms: The vehicle is in the hands of the driver, and it is up to him to decide the speed in which he travels and the risks he takes. Similarly, it is one’s own life, and one has all the rights to take a stand. It is important to live life in one’s own terms and enjoy it to the fullest
·         Act, don’t just plan: If a person needs to learn driving, he needs to get into the vehicle and start off. Only then will he learn. Similarly, in life, it is better to just start implementing any idea or plan instead of sitting and planning it out further. Life has to be experienced, and lessons learnt the hard way.

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